Caesarean Delivery

What is Caesarean Delivery?

Caesarean delivery, or C-section, is a surgery to deliver a baby when normal delivery is not possible or safe for the mother or baby. During a caesarean delivery, the delivery of the baby takes place through an incision made in the mother’s abdomen and uterus. This procedure is typically recommended when there are complications during pregnancy or labour that could pose risks to the health and safety of the mother or baby.

Procedure of Caesarean Delivery

The procedure of caesarean delivery involves the following steps:

The mother is prepared for surgery by being given anaesthesia to numb the lower part of her body or, in some cases, general anaesthesia to make her unconscious during the procedure.

A horizontal or vertical incision is made in the mother's abdomen and uterus, usually just above the pubic hairline. The type of incision depends on various factors, including the reason for the C-section and the doctor's preference

Once the incision is made, the baby is gently lifted out of the uterus and delivered through the incision. The umbilical cord is clamped and cut, and the baby is handed over to the paediatrician for evaluation.

After the baby is delivered, the placenta (afterbirth) is carefully removed from the uterus.

The incisions in the uterus and abdomen are stitched closed, typically in multiple layers, using dissolvable sutures or surgical staples.

The mother is monitored closely in the recovery room for any complications and is usually able to start breastfeeding and bonding with her baby shortly after the procedure.

Benefits of Caesarean Delivery

Caesarean delivery may be recommended for various medical reasons, and it can offer several benefits, including:

In certain situations, caesarean delivery may be the safest option for both the mother and baby, reducing the risk of complications during childbirth.

Caesarean delivery allows for prompt intervention in emergencies, such as foetal distress or umbilical cord prolapse, potentially saving lives.

The controlled environment of the operating room allows doctors to closely monitor and manage any complications that may arise during childbirth.

In some cases, caesarean delivery may be planned, offering predictability and allowing for better preparation for the birth.

Best Caesarean Delivery Specialist in Kolkata

Choosing the right obstetrician is crucial when it comes to ensuring a safe and successful caesarean delivery. Dr SmitaJadhav, the best cesarean delivery specialist in Kolkata, is renowned for her expertise in performing caesarean deliveries with precision and care. With her compassionate approach, meticulous attention to detail, and dedication to the well-being of both mother and baby, Dr Jadhav provides comprehensive prenatal care, personalized support during childbirth, and expert postnatal care to ensure the best possible outcomes for her patients. Expectant mothers can trust Dr SmitaJadhav for exceptional care and help them navigate the childbirth journey with confidence and peace of mind.