High-risk Pregnancy

High-risk Pregnancy

Bringing a new life into the world is one of the most precious and joyous occasions. But, for some expecting mothers, the journey is not a complete bed of roses. A high-risk pregnancy doctor is the one who treats pregnancies that involve complications and risks and require specialized care and attention. As a trusted gynaecologist and high risk pregnancy specialist in Kolkata, Dr Smita Jadhav understands the concerns associated with high-risk pregnancies and provides expert guidance and support throughout this crucial time.

What is High-Risk Pregnancy?

A high-risk pregnancy refers to a situation where the health of the mother, the baby, or both is at an increased risk during the pre-delivery period. Various factors contribute to such a condition, and it is essential to identify and address those immediately.

General Causes of High-Risk Pregnancy

If the expecting mother’s age is 35 years or older, the risk of complications such as gestational diabetes and chromosomal abnormalities is comparatively higher.

Chronic conditions like hypertension, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and kidney disease can elevate the risk of complications during pregnancy.

If a pregnant woman is carrying twins, triplets, or more increases the likelihood of complications, such as preterm birth and low birth weight.

Women who experienced complications in previous pregnancies, such as preterm birth or preeclampsia, may face a higher risk in subsequent pregnancies.

Habits such as smoking, drug use, and excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to a high-risk pregnancy.

Recognizing the symptoms of a high-risk pregnancy is crucial for early intervention and management. Symptoms may include:

  • Abdominal pain or cramping
  • Excessive swelling
  • High blood pressure
  • Reduced foetal movement
  • Severe nausea and vomiting
  • Vaginal bleeding

Prevention and Management of High-Risk Pregnancy

While not all risk factors can be managed, effective measures can significantly reduce the risk and impact of several complications. Preconception care, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and addressing underlying health conditions before conception are essential to prevention.

Proper management of high-risk pregnancies involves close monitoring, specialized prenatal care, and collaboration between the expectant mother and the healthcare professionals treating her. Regular check-ups, specialized tests, and consultations with relevant specialists contribute to a proactive approach to managing potential complications.

Treatment of High-Risk Pregnancy by an Expert

When you connect with Dr. Smita Jadhav, your high risk pregnancy treatment in Kolkata is tailored to the specific needs of both the mother and baby. This may include medications, lifestyle modifications, and, in some cases, hospitalization for better monitoring and care. The goal is to ensure the well-being of both mother and baby throughout the pregnancy.

Under the treatment of Dr. Smita Jadhav, every patient receives expert care for high-risk pregnancies. She has the knowledge and expertise regarding state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and evidence-based practices to offer personalized care plans that focus on the unique needs of high-risk pregnancies.

Navigating a high-risk pregnancy requires a collaborative and expert approach. Dr Smita Jadhav is the best high risk pregnancy doctor in South Kolkata who prioritizes the well-being of expectant mothers and their babies, offering comprehensive care and support. If you are facing a high-risk pregnancy or have similar issues, schedule a consultation with her to receive the expert care you and your baby deserve.