Normal Delivery

What is Normal Delivery?

Normal delivery, also known as vaginal delivery, is the natural process of childbirth, where a baby is born through the vaginal canal. It is the most common and preferred method of childbirth when both the mother and baby are healthy, and there are no complications that require medical intervention. During a normal delivery, the mother experiences contractions that help to push the baby through the birth canal until delivery

Procedure of Normal Delivery

Normal delivery typically follows a series of stages:

This stage involves the onset of mild contractions, and the cervix begins to dilate.

Contractions become stronger and more frequent, causing further cervix dilation. This stage may involve breaking the amniotic sac (water breaking).

This is the most intense stage of labour, characterized by solid contractions and complete dilation of the cervix. During this stage, the mother may feel the urge to push.

The mother actively pushes with each contraction, guiding the baby through the birth canal until the baby's head crowns and eventually emerges.

After the baby is born, the placenta is delivered through a few more contractions.

Throughout the process, the mother will receive support from the healthcare team, including nurses, Dr SmitaJadhav, the top normal delivery doctor in Kolkata, and others to ensure a smooth and safe delivery experience.

Benefits of Normal Delivery

Normal delivery offers several benefits for both the mother and baby, including:

Compared to caesarean delivery, recovery time after a normal delivery is typically shorter, allowing the mother to resume her daily activities sooner.

Normal delivery is associated with lower risks of infection, blood loss, and complications related to anaesthesia compared to caesarean delivery.

Mothers who undergo normal delivery often experience better bonding with their babies immediately after birth, which can facilitate breastfeeding and promote a strong mother-baby bond.

Normal delivery is generally less expensive than cesarean delivery, resulting in lower healthcare costs for the patient and healthcare system.

Best Normal Delivery Doctor In Kolkata

Choosing the right obstetrician is crucial when experiencing a safe and successful normal delivery. Dr SmitaJadhav is the best normal delivery doctor in Saltlake, Kolkata. With her extensive experience, compassionate care, and dedication to ensuring the well-being of both mother and baby, Dr Jadhav provides comprehensive prenatal care, personalized support during labour, and expert guidance throughout the childbirth journey. Expectant mothers can trust Dr SmitaJadhav to deliver exceptional care and help them achieve a positive and fulfilling childbirth experience through normal delivery