What are Plugged Milk Ducts: Preventive Tips from a Gynecologist Doctor

Breastfeeding provides numerous benefits to both mother and baby. However, it can sometimes come with difficulties, one of which is plugged milk ducts. This condition can cause discomfort and affect milk flow, but with proper knowledge and preventive measures, it can often be managed effectively. Learn more from the best gynecologist doctor in Kolkata. 

What are Plugged Milk Ducts?

Plugged milk ducts occur when milk flow is obstructed within the breast, leading to a build-up of milk behind the blockage. This blockage can be caused due to a variety of factors, including:

  1. Poor Milk Drainage: Inadequate or incomplete draining of the breast during breastfeeding can leave milk sitting in the ducts, increasing the risk of blockages.
  1. Pressure on the Breast: Wearing tight clothing or using a poorly fitting bra that puts pressure on the breast can impede milk flow and contribute to plugged ducts.
  1. Infrequent Feeding or Pumping: Skipping feedings or not emptying the breasts regularly can lead to subsequent duct blockages.
  1. Improper Latching: Incorrect positioning or latching during breastfeeding can prevent effective milk removal from the breast, increasing the likelihood of plugged ducts.
  1. Milk Oversupply: Some women may experience periods of milk oversupply, which can predispose them to plugged ducts.

Preventive Tips from a Gynecologist 

Here are some preventive tips by the best gynecologist doctor in Kolkata to help reduce the risk of plugged milk ducts.

  1. Proper Breastfeeding Technique: Ensuring a correct latch and optimal positioning during breastfeeding is crucial. This helps to effectively drain the breast and prevent milk from pooling and causing blockages. Seek assistance from a doctor if you are unsure about proper breastfeeding technique.
  1. Nurse Frequently and Completely: Establish a breastfeeding routine that includes frequent and thorough feedings. Aim to nurse at least every 2-3 hours during the day to maintain milk flow and prevent milk from stagnating in the ducts.
  1. Ensure Adequate Milk Drainage: If your baby consistently nurses from only one breast during feedings, offer the other breast during subsequent feedings to ensure both breasts are adequately drained. Alternatively, you can use a breast pump to express milk from the unused breast to prevent plugged ducts.
  1. Wear Comfortable Clothing: Choose clothing that provides adequate support without constricting the breasts. Avoid tight-fitting bras or clothing that may compress the breasts and impede milk flow.
  1. Monitor Breast Changes and Seek Prompt Treatment: Be vigilant about any changes in your breasts, such as redness, tenderness or a lump that may indicate a plugged duct or mastitis (inflammation of the breast tissue). Promptly seek advice from a doctor if you notice any concerning symptoms or if preventive measures do not alleviate the issue.


By following these tips from a reputed gynecologist doctor in Kolkata specializing in breastfeeding support, mothers can minimize the risk of complications such as plugged milk ducts.